
Will Depue from Sora introduces himself

这是 Sora 团队 00 后成员 Will DePue 自我介绍中的一段话:


请不要只根据我已经学到的来评价我,而应该考虑我在未来能够深入理解什么。例如,我从零开始,在不到两周的时间里就构建了 WebGPT 项目,即使之前对这个主题一无所知。

Hard Skills

I dislike presenting hard skills because I find them restrictive: my most “hard skill” is that I am the fastest and most curious learner I’ve ever met. Consider me not on what I’ve learned already but what I am capable of deeply understanding in the future. For example, I built the WebGPT project in less than two weeks from scratch, knowing nothing about the subject.

React/React Native,HTML / CSS / JS & TS, Tailwind, Styled Components. NodeJS, Flask, Postgres, MongoDB,Redis, DiscordJS. Figma, UI/ UX, Product & Engineering Management. WebGPU & WGSL,Pytorch

Source: Will DePue’s notion site