
Cron and Task Scheduler


程序设计里,依据时间或者依赖其他任务、事件触发执行命令和脚本,是开发很重要的一部分。本文以类 Unix 系统最基础的 Crontab 和生产级任务调度器 Airflow 为例,整体梳理下任务调度这件事。


Cron 是类 Unix 操作系统中一款基于时间的任务管理工具,可以通过 cron 在固定的时间、日期、间隔下,执行命令或运行脚本。

  • check if cron is installed: dpkg -l cron
  • install cron: apt-get install cron
  • verify the status of cron: systemctl status cron or service cron status
  • start/stop cron service: systemctl start/stop cron or service cron start/stop

    Use Cases

    Check Crontab use case, make sure you go through man crontab

  • test your command line to schedule: echo "Hello World manually at $(date)" >> $HOME/greetings_manual.txt
  • check result: tail ~/greetings_manual.txt
  • install new crontab job, and choose vim editor: crontab -e
  • add a line * * * * * echo "Hello World automatically at $(date)" >> $HOME/greetings.txt" to the end of the crontab file, save and exit the editor
  • check result: tail ~/greetings.txt
  • list all crontab jobs: crontab -l
  • remove all crontab jobs created by current user: crontab -r


    * * * * * [command to execute]

  • First * stands for representing minutes [0-59];
  • Second * stands for representing hour[0-23];
  • Third * stands for representing day [0-31];
  • Fourth * stands for representing month[0-12];
  • Fifth * stands for representing a day of the week[0-6];

You can check your cron schedule expressions at: Cronitor.

Apache Airflow

Airflow 是一款功能强大的开源工作流调度工具,除了内置的如bash、python、email等 Core Operators 以外,还集成了大量第三方平台应用/软件的 Community Operators,包含 Apache Software Foundation, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google, etc 相关服务的调度,并且能够监控任务的状态。Airflow 服务器可以部署在单机,也可以根据需求扩展至多节点部署。


Only pip installation is currently officially supported.


PYTHON_VERSION="$(python3 --version | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1-2)"


pip install "apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" --constraint "${CONSTRAINT_URL}"

init airflow database

airflow db init

create a user

airflow users create \
--username thekingofcool \
--firstname bug \
--lastname hunter \
--role Admin \
--email [email protected]

start airflow scheduler and web server

airflow scheduler
airflow webserver --port 8080

visit localhost:8080 to check out the web page.

airflow dag file

在 Airflow 配置文件中查看 dag 文件位置:

cat ~/airflow/airflow.cfg | grep dags_folder

在该文件目录下编辑 dag 文件,重启 airflow scheduler。


To be continued…