
Linux and Shell


Linux 是基于 Unix 的开源操作系统,通常用于服务器、台式机和嵌入式系统。

Linux terminal 是一个用于和操作系统进行交互以及执行各种任务的命令行界面,可以用作浏览目录文件及文件中的内容,你也可以用它来安装和升级软件包,也能创建和编辑文件以及执行 shell 脚本。

Package management



Advanced Packaging Tools, 是一款 Debian-based Linux 系统最常用的包管理器。


Some of the most popular Debian-based Linux distributions: Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Kali Linux.

Meanwhile Red Hat-based distributions are: CentOS, Fedora.

Red Hat-based Linux distributions are often preferred for enterprise environments and servers, focusing on stability and security. Whereas Debian-based Linux distributions moreover focus on long-term support and stability. Most Used Commands:

  • install package: sudo apt-get install [package_name];
  • remove the package: sudo apt-get remove [package_name];
  • list details of installed package: sudo apt-get list [package_name];

More details refer to: Linux man page.


Yellowdog Updater Modified, 用作 Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 5 and later 的包管理;

Most Used Commands:

  • install: yum install [package_name];
  • remove: yum remove [package_name];
  • update: yum update;

More details refer to: Yum Command Cheat Sheet.


Dandified YUM, a package manager for .rpm-based Linux distributions, is now the default software package management tool in Fedora.

Most Used Commands:

  • search: dnf search packagename;
  • install: dnf install packagename;
  • remove: dnf remove packagename;

More details refer to: DNF Command Reference.


一款简单的 Linux 包管理器。

Most Used Commands:

  • search: sudo pacman -Ss keyword;
  • install: sudo pacman -S pkgname;
  • remove: sudo pacman -Rs package_name;

More details refer to: pacman usage.


pip is the package installer for Python. Alternatively, conda is another popular package management tool.

Most Used Commands:

  • search: python -m pip search "key_word";
  • install: python -m pip install SomePackage;
  • uninstall: python -m pip uninstall SomePackage;

More details refer to: pip User Guide.


Homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple (or your Linux system) didn’t.

Most Used Commands:

  • search: brew search text;
  • install: brew install package_name;
  • uninstall: brew uninstall package_name;

More details refer to: brew command documatation.

Shell learning and troubleshooting: explainshell.

Command Line Basics

What is Bash

  • man: system manual pager;
  • ssh: Secure Shell;
  • ls: list all the files in your current working directory;
  • pwd: print current working directory;
  • cd: change working directory;
  • touch: create a file or change file timestamp;
  • echo: write arguments to standard output;
  • nano: simple and useful editor;
  • vim: Vi IMproved text editor;
  • cat: to see what’s inside a file real quickly;
  • mkdir: make a new directory;
  • cp: copy file to a target directory;
  • mv: move or rename a file;
  • rm: remove files or directories;
  • ln: make links to file;
  • clear: clear your terminal screen;
  • whoami: print effective userid;
  • useradd: create a new user or update default new user information;
  • sudo: execute a command as another user;
  • su: run a command with substitute user and group ID;
  • exit: exit the shell;
  • passwd: change user password;
  • curl: transfer data with url;
  • zip: package and compress (archive) files;
  • unzip: extract compressed files in a zip;
  • head: display first lines of a file;
  • tail: display the last part of a file;
  • diff: differential file and directory comparator;
  • sort: sort lines of text files;
  • find: search for files in a directory hierarchy;
  • chmod: change file modes or Access Control Lists;
  • chown: change file owner and group;
  • ifconfig: configure network interface parameters;
  • grep: file pattern searcher;
  • awk: pattern-directed scanning and processing language;
  • ping: send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts;
  • netstat: show network status;
  • iptables: administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and NAT
  • ufw: Uncomplicated Firewall for Ubuntu;
  • uname: display information about the system;
  • cal: displays a calendar and the date of Easter;
  • df: display free disk space;
  • ps: process status;
  • top: display sorted information about processes;
  • kill: terminate or signal a process;
  • pkill: find or signal processes by name;
  • history: command history;
  • reboot: stopping and restarting the system;
  • shutdown: close down the system at a given time;

Practical command line use cases on data science: Data Science at the Command Line;

Learning the shell step by step: Writing Shell Scripts;

To be continued…